At Bitterne CE Primary School we recognise that the personal development of pupils, spirituality, morally, socially and culturally (SMSC), plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve and underpins school life. We therefore aim to provide an education that provides pupils with opportunities to explore and develop their own values and beliefs, spiritual awareness, high standards of personal behaviour, a positive caring attitude towards other people, an understanding of their social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of the cultures.
"It is crucial for individual pupils and it is crucial for society as a whole. Most teachers would see it as the heart of what education is all about – helping pupils grow and develop as people."
As part of our SMSC curriculum , we also promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
For further detail on Spritual, Moral, Social and Cultural leanring alomng with the promotion of British Values, pleae read the policy below.