Collective Worship

Christian values are at the heart of Bitterne CE Primary School and Collective Worship. Our three core Christian values are Love, Trust and Forgiveness.



Our core Christian value is love. At Bitterne CE Primary School we endeavour, through every aspect of school life, to teach our children that they are special and unique, to love and appreciate themselves, others, God and his creation. Jesus teaches us: ‘To love the Lord your God with all your heart and love your neighbour as yourself’.



Trust is our second core Christian value. At Bitterne CE Primary School children can learn to their full potential in an atmosphere of trust. We nurture the children to learn to trust themselves and their own abilities, other pupils and all staff within the school community.



Central also to the ethos of our school is that we learn how to forgive one another and not hold grudges so that all relationships within our school are harmonious. Jesus taught: ‘Forgive one another seventy times seven.’


Daily Collective Worship

Collective Worship is a daily act of interactive worship including: singing, bible stories/verses, inspirational/cultural stories, topical school, community and world news, prayer and reflection.


Collective Worship is delivered, by numerous staff, based on a Christian value for the half term (see overview). This is done through a combination of whole school, key stage 1, key stage 2, class based, teacher led reflective collective worship and child led, collective worship in their individual classrooms.


Member of the team from Holy Saviour Church, also lead Collective Worship, weekly. Collective Worship can also include visitors, invited to speak on a particular topic.


Class Based Child Led Collective Worship

Once or twice a half term, four or five different children from each class, in Key Stage 2 lead their class in an act of Collective Worship. Children are given a collective worship outline as guidance, related to the half term Christian value and plan a Collective Worship that they can lead. Children absolutely enjoy being independent and give up their own free time to prepare and plan. In Year R, Year 1 and Year 2, teachers share bible stories, ask related questions and are led by the response of their pupils.


SACRE Monitoring Visit - March 2016
SACRE Monitoring Visit Report March 2016[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [380.6 KB]
Collective Worship Policy January 2023-2025
CW POLICY JANUARY 2023 to JANUARY 2025.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [513.1 KB]
Collective Worship Overview
Collective Worship Overview.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [32.8 KB]

In order to reach us

Bitterne CE Primary School

Brownlow Avenue


SO19 7BX

Telephone Number

023 80499494


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© Bitterne CE Primary School