Before starting school
We want your child’s start to their school life to be as positive as possible so we ask that they come to school ready to learn.
Please can we ask you to name every item of clothing that they come to school with, including shoes and coats! You simply would not believe the amount of lost property we acquire over the year and a child’s ability to misplace a jumper or pair of trousers never ceases to amaze!
There is no need to bring a pencil case, we will provide everything they require to write.
Please can you provide a named water bottle so that water can be accessed throughout the school day.
Please do not send in snacks or food in lunch boxes which contain nuts. We are a nut free school as we have some children with serious allergies.
It is important that your child learns to be independent in the Early Years, and so we ask that when you drop them at school in the morning, please say a quick good bye and leave them to hang their
own coat and sort their own book bag. This really does help anxious children to settle quickly in the morning.
PE kits are required after half term but trainers are only used outside after Christmas.
Please ensure that they have named clothes and shoes.
Please practise writing and recognising your child’s name with them.