At Bitterne CE Primary School, we teach a broad, balanced and inspirational curriculum through the school’s core Christian values of Love, Trust and Forgiveness.


Our curriculum demonstrates Love with the care in which we plan units that are exciting and engaging for the children. The learning experiences should help the children to develop their awe and wonder of the world, while helping them to understand their importance as global citizens.

Our curriculum is rooted in Trust in that it is challenging. Through planning inspirational learning experiences, we trust the children to achieve well, to know more and to remember more. We support the children to remember their learning from previous years, building on a clear progression of skills and knowledge in all subjects.

Forgiveness is the third core value that is ingrained within our curriculum. We help the children to learn about communities and cultures in our vastly diverse and fascinating society, helping them to identify how everyone has a responsibility to live alongside one-another and the environment, and how mistakes of the past can allow our children to learn and contribute to a better future to the society in which they live. 

At Bitterne CE Primary School, we continually review opportunities to change and update our curriculum according to current world events, issues and opportunities. The curriculum has been carefully constructed by our subject leaders to ensure that all children at Bitterne CE Primary School are supported both in their most important next steps for learning, while ensuring that they are happy and safe, and that their well-being is considered at all times. 


Our curriculum has been adapted to help all children transition to the 'new normal', focusing on ensuring that all children have a broad and balanced curriculum, while choosing the most important knowledge and skills to learn. For more details, please click on the Guidance for Parents below.

Curriculum Policy January 2023 - January 2024
Curriculum Policy - Jan 2023- Jan 2024.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [350.8 KB]
Curriculum Adaptations
Curriculum Adapatations BPS.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.9 MB]

In order to reach us

Bitterne CE Primary School

Brownlow Avenue


SO19 7BX

Telephone Number

023 80499494


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© Bitterne CE Primary School