Key Stage One
In Year One, phonics continues to be taught daily following the ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised’ programme. Each day, children are taught a new sound which is then practised through the
lesson and applied to help develop fluency. Reading books are sent home weekly to match each child’s phonetical ability to help consolidate and practise reading the taught sounds fluently. As part of
the reading curriculum, the children will have two reading sessions a week, in small groups with an adult, focusing on decoding (sounding out) and comprehension (understanding and meaning). In
addition, children will be taught prosody (expression) through their English lessons.
By Year Two, children will have covered all the phonics sounds needed to become age appropriate readers. Whole class reading sessions are introduced daily to develop fluency, comprehension skills and
to widen their knowledge of vocabulary. Reading books are sent home weekly to match your child’s reading ability to help consolidate fluency.